Proof of Service

Process Server Portrayals in Media vs. Reality

Serving Sarah movie

Process Server Portrayals in Media vs. Reality Hollywood often takes creative liberties with the professions it portrays, aiming to entertain rather than educate. This tendency is especially apparent with less-understood roles like process servers, whose duties are often exaggerated or distorted to suit comedic or dramatic narratives. Here’s how the real work of a process …

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What is a Restraining Order? | How is a Restraining Order Delivered?

What is a Restraining Order in Texas?

What is a Restraining Order?
How is a Restraining Order Delivered?
What is the power of restraining order?
What is the Difference Between a Protective Order and a Restraining Order in Texas?
How is a Restraining Order Issued?
Who Can Issued a Restraining Order?
What is a Restraining Order and Summons Difference?
How is a Restraining Order Served?
Can You Get Around a Restraining Order?
How Do You Respond to a Restraining Order?

How to Properly Communicate with a Process Server?

A Process Server Talking to scared defendants.

Whether you’re a process server or just someone who’s dealt with one, you may have noticed that the job itself is often a little…misunderstood. Some think process servers are bounty hunters, while others believe they’re just glorified paper carriers. In all of this confusion, one thing remains true: the world would be a much better …

How to Properly Communicate with a Process Server? Read More »

How Process Servers Identify Someone Avoiding Service of Process?

Scared woman hiding from process server

The job of a process server is often straightforward, performing each delivery effectively and efficiently so the courts can move forward with whatever case may be involved. While that is how most situations unfold, there are those rare cases when someone who is being served with documentation does their best to avoid being identified. That …

How Process Servers Identify Someone Avoiding Service of Process? Read More »