What is a Writ of Summons and How is it Delivered?
What Happens After a Successful Delivery? Once the writ of summons has been successfully served, the court will send a notice to appear in court.
What Happens After a Successful Delivery? Once the writ of summons has been successfully served, the court will send a notice to appear in court.
Do process servers wear disguises? Do process servers trick you? Can a process server carry a gun in Texas? Can process servers trespass in Texas? Can a process server enter a gated community in Texas?
If you are wondering do process servers call you from unknown numbers.. Can Process Servers Track Your Phone? Can You Be Served Over the Phone in Texas?
How late can a process server come to your home in Texas? Can a process server serve you at night or in the early morning? Can a process server serve you…
Whether you’re a process server or just someone who’s dealt with one, you may have noticed that the job itself is often a little…misunderstood. Some think process servers are bounty hunters, while others believe they’re just glorified paper carriers. In all of this confusion, one thing remains true: the world would be a much better …
How to Properly Communicate with a Process Server? Read More »
When to Record Process Serving? There are three primary reasons to record the attempt to serve papers that include:… Record Serving Papers…
… process servers save you time and money trying to track down the critical targets of your operations….The questions we’ve asked here are designed to help you find just that—a trustworthy process server who will take care of your needs efficiently and effectively.
A process server is someone who carries out the legal process of serving documents. This can be a formal legal document, such as a summons or subpoena, which requires that it be personally handed to the recipient. These are working professionals authorized and certified by the Texas JBCC to deliver legal documentation and notices. They …
The job of a process server is often straightforward, performing each delivery effectively and efficiently so the courts can move forward with whatever case may be involved. While that is how most situations unfold, there are those rare cases when someone who is being served with documentation does their best to avoid being identified. That …
How Process Servers Identify Someone Avoiding Service of Process? Read More »
The question for a process server business is not whether or not they can serve papers on Christmas, Thanksgiving, or some other family holiday, but if …