Hard to Locate

How Process Servers Identify Someone Avoiding Service of Process?

Scared woman hiding from process server

The job of a process server is often straightforward, performing each delivery effectively and efficiently so the courts can move forward with whatever case may be involved. While that is how most situations unfold, there are those rare cases when someone who is being served with documentation does their best to avoid being identified. That …

How Process Servers Identify Someone Avoiding Service of Process? Read More »

What Happens When People Try to Avoid Process Servers?

Woman hiding from process serverWoman hiding from process server

It is a bit of an all too familiar scene. Someone is issued a ticket or knows of a legal situation about to unfold and decides the best course of action is to avoid any possible process servers. We see it all the time in movies and funny videos where people go through extreme measures to remain undetectable.

What Manner of Service to an Individual Means?

Around our country, individuals support the legal and court systems by delivering notifications of proceedings ranging from divorce papers to debt collections. These hardworking individuals must meet specific standards and conduct their business in such a way that a clean line of communication with verifiable receipts can be traced. That is why courts like to …

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